moving to Germany

10 questions & answers foreigners have when moving to Germany

Ready to say “Auf Wiedersehen” to your old life? The idea of moving to Germany might seem a lot like stepping into a fairy tale with sausages, beer, and autobahns with no speed limit, but that’s before all sorts of questions start coming to your mind. Don’t worry, we’re here to help you find answers to them all and move without a single doubt.

10 Questions you’re too afraid to ask and answers you really want to know when moving to Germany

Since this is one of the most prosperous countries in the old continent, offering good salaries and great quality of life, for many, living in Germany presents the European equivalent of the American dream. However, once you take off those pink shades, you might start wondering if it’s really all rainbows and sunshine over there.

Although there might be a few grey clouds on the horizon, don’t let that discourage you. Relocating to a new country is always a big change that comes with many uncertainties. The best way to deal with that is to be well-prepared for everything coming your way – and to remember what can’t surprise you can’t disappoint you. Let’s go through some of the main questions foreigners moving to Germany might have.

#1 Do you really have to know German to live in Germany? Nein, aber es wird empfohlen

Whether you’re relocating to Germany for education, a job, or love, the fact is that you plan on staying there longer than you would on your average vacation. Therefore, learning the language makes sense. The fact is that German is not the most melodic language out there, but it is also not impossible to master it.

A little goes a long way when it comes to speaking the local language, so your efforts will be highly appreciated. Additionally, basic knowledge of German is often a requirement even for English-speaking jobs, so getting to know the basics will open the door to more opportunities and help you integrate better.

#2 Do you need a visa when moving to Germany? It depends

Visa requirements vary depending on several factors, such as nationality, the purpose, and the intended length of your stay. Citizens of the EU, EEA, and Switzerland do not need a visa, but pretty much everyone else does. There are several different types of visas based on the purpose of the stay.

People from non-EU/EEA countries will need to apply for the appropriate visa at a German embassy or consulate in their home country. But keep in mind that the visa application process can be long, which is why it is crucial to start gathering the papers timely and apply as soon as possible.

#3 How to find a job before moving to Germany? Get ready to brush up your CV

Ideally, you should strive to secure a job position before moving to another country. Luckily, Germany is one of the countries that is experiencing a shortage of skilled workers. There are more than a million vacant positions in the country, and simply not enough workers.

Therefore, go through the list of shortage occupations in Germany to see if yours is on it, but even if it is not, don’t give up so easily because you can still find something right up your alley. Polish up your CV and get ready to write some killer cover letters because those job offers are out there waiting for you.

#4 Is living in Germany expensive? You might be surprised what you will find when you move to Germany.

Since it’s often praised for its strong economy and overall great quality of life, many would expect that living in Germany is quite expensive. Normally, bigger and more popular cities are more expensive when it comes to housing, but regarding groceries and leisure opportunities, prices are not so high.

Public universities are free, and due to the government’s efforts to reduce CO2 emissions, public transportation is more affordable than ever and, at the same time, very efficient and reliable.

#5 Is there no speed limit on highways in Germany? Yes, but not everywhere

In Germany, there are sections of the autobahn (highway) that do not have a blanket speed limit. Unlike in other European countries, here, there is only a recommended speed limit of 130 km per hour, so driving faster than that is not illegal in certain parts of the road. It is believed that this is a result of different factors, such as greater responsibility among drivers, good education, safe roads, and good infrastructure, as well as a cultural affinity for cars and driving.

Speaking of driving, if you’re a non-EU citizen with a driver’s licence, you can use it only for the first 6 months in Germany, so you should apply timely to get it replaced with a German one. Depending on the kind of agreement your home country has with Germany, you might have to take some tests, or you’ll simply get a German one per post without a fuss. For more information about how to get your German Licence contact us today.

#6 Are all shops closed on Sunday? Mostly yes

If you just realised that you’re missing some ingredients for your Sunday lunch – you can’t just go to a supermarket and buy them on a Sunday. You should also forget about a casual stroll around a shopping mall on a Sunday.

Sunday is the day for rest, and therefore the vast majority of shops are closed. However, in case you really need something, small kiosk shops at bus and train stations, as well as at the airports, are always open on Sunday.

#7 Why do Germans like collecting different insurance policies? Better to be safe than sorry

Before moving to Germany, you’ve probably heard of health, car, and life insurance because what more do you need? Well, how about dog liability insurance (Hundehaftpflichtversicherung) for the damage your pet might cause?

Or liability insurance (Haftpflichtversicherung) in case your kid accidentally breaks something in a store? Germans can never be insured enough, which is why they like collecting insurance policies – the more, the better because you can never be too cautious.

That is why we recommend you study the different health insurance alternatives before moving to Germany or consult with professionals like us to guide you through the process. For more information read about our relocation packages.

#8 Is following rules a must? Yes, rules are there to be respected

Germans are known for their love of rules and regulations, which can be seen in various aspects of their daily life. This can be connected to the strong influence of Protestantism but also to some historical periods during which Germans experienced instability and chaos, so they highly value stability and order.

Therefore, you’ll rarely see them jaywalking, going for loopholes, fare dodging, or just trying to skip unnecessary steps – there are no unnecessary steps. Of course, no one is perfect, but Germans strive to be as perfect as possible and obey the rules.

#9 How to pick the right city to Move to? You’re in luck, there’s something for everyone’s taste

Germany is a very diverse country, so finding something that’s right up your alley shouldn’t be a problem. From mountains to the sea (North one, but it’s still a sea), bustling international cities like Berlin, Frankfurt, and Hamburg, to cute fairytale-like Bavarian towns such as Bamberg, Passau, or Lindau, there are plenty of options.

As a startup hub and a city where you can hear English everywhere, Berlin is perfect for expats looking for an international environment. On the other hand, beautiful Munich provides a typical German setting. Another popular city, especially among those in the automotive industry, is Stuttgart.

Since there’s an abundance of options, make a list of your non-negotiables and lifestyle preferences, and then start searching for the right fit and narrowing down your choices when moving to Germany. Keep in mind that there are a total of 16 federal states and that the laws and even public holidays are not the same in all of them.

#10 When Is the Right Time to Move to Germany? It’s Always the Right Time

If you’re already thinking about making this step, you shouldn’t hesitate. Stop finding excuses, and feel free to jump into the unknown because this is a country filled with opportunities waiting for you. Try to find your expat community online, for starters, to get some guidelines and insider tips, or simply book a vacation and go explore the country to get a better feeling of the atmosphere and German lifestyle.

Make sure all of your questions get answered before moving to Germany

There are no dumb questions, which is why before you make such an important step as relocating to a different country, all of your questions should be answered and dilemmas solved. Only then you’ll be able to enjoy the process because you’ll know you made a well-informed decision. And if you still have doubts and want help with the process, don’t be afraid to book a call with us!

education system in Germany

How does the education system work in Germany in 2023 ?

Navigating the German Education System for Expat Families

Relocating to Germany with school-aged children can be an exciting journey, but it is essential to understand the German education system to ensure a smooth transition. 

My name is Christin and I have been a high school teacher for more than 10 years and I am also a co-founder of FamiLingua, an online English school for English-speaking children. Our aim at FamiLingua is to help international families make the best decisions for their children’s education in Germany. So let me use my knowledge about the German school system to give you an overview of the different types of schools, the educational structure, and the enrolment process. 

Principles of the German School System

The German education system is organised on a federal level. The following information is generally applicable for the whole of Germany, but there can be some variations depending on the federal state.

Compulsory schooling from age 6-18

The German education system consists of four main stages:

  • Grundschule (Primary School): Ages 6-10/12
  • Sekundarstufe I (Lower Secondary Level): Ages 10/12-15/16
  • Sekundarstufe II (Upper Secondary Level): Ages 15/16-18/19
  • Higher Education: Universities, Fachhochschulen (Universities of Applied Sciences), and vocational institutions

After completing Grundschule, students transition to one of three types of lower secondary level, based on their academic performance, teachers’ recommendations, and parents’ preferences:

  • Hauptschule: A more practice-oriented school, focusing on vocational preparation (for instance in crafts)
  • Realschule: A school that combines preparation for vocational training (for instance in trade) and academic education, offering a broader range of subjects 
  • Gymnasium: An academically oriented school preparing students for higher education (school leaving certificate: Abitur)

There are also different kinds of comprehensive schools, depending on the federal state. For instance in Berlin, there are no Haupt- and Realschulen anymore because they have been replaced by the Integrierte Sekundarschule (ISS). Haupt- and Realschule end with school leaving certificates that are needed to start vocational training. Higher educational qualifications can also be completed via the so-called second educational pathway, i.e. there are, for example, evening schools where Abitur can be obtained. 

Full-time compulsory schooling ends after 9 or 10 years of school attendance, depending on the federal state. However, a vocational or upper secondary level must usually be attended afterward until completion of an apprenticeship or the 12th year of schooling (Berufsschulpflicht).

Schooling options in Germany

  • Public Schools: State-funded schools providing education in German. Some public schools offer bilingual programs or language immersion classes.
  • Private Schools: Fee-based schools that may offer alternative pedagogical approaches, smaller class sizes, or specific religious affiliations. Some private schools also provide bilingual or international curricula.
  • International Schools: These schools cater to a diverse student body and usually follow an international curriculum, such as the International Baccalaureate (IB). Teaching is typically in English, or another foreign language.

The Enrolment Process 

To enrol your child in a German school, you’ll need to provide documentation such as birth certificates, proof of residence, and vaccination records. It’s essential to research schools and their admission requirements well in advance, as some schools have waiting lists, certain entry requirements or specific enrolment periods.

I recommend starting school research at least one and a half years beforehand. If your child is of primary school age and is to attend a public primary school, the place of residence is usually decisive for the school assigned. Options only exist on certain conditions.

Bilingual Education Opportunities 

Depending on your family’s language preferences, you can explore bilingual education options in public, private, or international schools. Bilingual programs usually involve teaching subjects in both German and a foreign language, allowing students to develop proficiency in both languages.

After-School Activities and Support 

Many schools in Germany offer after-school activities or all-day-learning (Ganztagsschule), providing additional learning opportunities and support in various subjects. These activities can be particularly helpful for expat children who may need extra language support or assistance with adjusting to the new educational environment.


Understanding the German school system is crucial for expat families relocating with school-aged children. Researching the different types of schools, educational structure, and enrolment process is the foundation to make well-informed decisions for your children’s education in Germany. Embrace the opportunities that bilingual education and the German school system offer, and your children will have a good school life in their new home country.

And if you need more information or help with schooling, don’t hesitate to ask for support:

move to germany from the US

How to move to Germany from the US in 10 steps: All you need to know as a US citizen

Are you looking for a guide on how to move to Germany from the US? Then you are surely at the right place because today you will find out how you can move to Germany from the US without any hassle! 

Germany is a magnificent country with its economy standing on the 5th position globally. It has an impressively low unemployment rate, making it hard to remain jobless after shifting to Germany. Moreover, Germany is rich in culture and history; therefore, we are certain you will have a delightful experience moving to Germany from the US. 

If you are a US citizen interested in moving to Germany, it may seem pretty challenging at first, but if you follow proper guidelines from scratch, this process will become quite easier.

In this article, we will share with you a step-by-step approach to help you make a smooth transition to Germany from the United States. We will cover everything from visa requirements to finding accommodation and more.

So, whether you are moving to Germany from the US for work, education, or simply to explore a new culture and live a new adventure, this guide will equip you with the information you need to make your move successful. Let’s get started!

How to move to Germany from US: A step-by-step guide 

Moving to Germany from the United States can definitely be an exciting adventure, but it requires careful planning and preparation. Here are some important steps to consider as you embark on this journey:

Step 1. Germany visa requirements & eligibility 

Before we go further on how to move to Germany from the US, it is important for you to know whether you are eligible to go to Germany or not. As a US citizen, you cannot move freely to European countries without certain documents and authorizations. If you want to live in Germany for more than 90 days, you must have a certain type of visa. 

Below are the 4 common visa options that you can opt for when you move to Germany from the US;

  1. Work/Job Visa

If you’re looking for a job in Germany and you’re not a citizen of the European Union, you will need to obtain a work visa to work legally in the country. The work visa is the most common type of visa for those seeking employment in Germany, and it typically lasts for almost two years. After that, you’ll need to renew it to continue working legally. However, there’s a chance you may qualify for a work permit scholarship, which could be a great opportunity.

  1. Tourist Visa

If you’re planning a temporary visit to Germany and have no intention of relocating there permanently, then a visitor visa is the appropriate option for you. This type of visa is designed for individuals who are interested in visiting Germany for a limited period. But, if you plan on moving to Germany this is not your most reliable option. 

  1. Study Visa

If you’re planning to pursue your education in Germany, then you’ll need to apply for a student visa to stay legally in the country. The student visa is typically valid for the duration of your study program, and it allows you to live and study in Germany during that time. Additionally, if you need more time to complete your studies, you can submit an application to extend your student visa. 

  1. Family Reunification Visa

The family reunification visa is an option for individuals who have family members currently residing in Germany. This type of visa enables family members to reunite with their loved ones in Germany more easily. It provides a legal pathway for individuals who want to move to Germany from the US to join their spouse, parent, or child in Germany. If you have family members living in Germany, this visa could be the ideal option for you to reunite with them.

If you are still unsure of what visa you need for Germany or you have a special petition, our Get In Expat immigration expert can help guide you through the process. Visit the information on job and visa in Germany

Step 2. Develop a realistic budget

Moving to any country is not that cheap; it requires a lot of investment in the process. Expenses in Germany vary from city to city, so if you plan on having an elite lifestyle by choosing an expensive location like Berlin, you will have to expand your budget accordingly. But if you are trying to have a cost-effective budget, then examine the cost difference of living in different areas of Germany and choose the area which suits you the best. 

Step 3. Arrange all the important paperwork 

Moving to another country can be quite daunting if you don’t get your documents in order, especially when moving to Germany from the US because, as a US citizen moving to Europe, you will have to have all your legal documents with you. This means that you should have your bank statements, visa, passport, and proof of income up to date to prove your eligibility for moving to Germany. Having your paperwork in order will help to prevent any sort of barrier coming your way during the moving process.

Step 4. Get your residence permit

If you want to live in Germany for more than 90 days, you must have either a job Visa or a residence permit. A residence permit is an authorization provided by the German government which allows immigrants to live in Germany. The duration of permit may vary, and it can be due to any reason like study, work, visit, or anything else. There are different types of residence permits which include:

  1. Temporary Residence Permit

If you’re planning to move to Germany from the US for a limited period, such as for study, then you should consider applying for a Temporary Residence Permit. This type of permit is designed for individuals who wish to stay in Germany for a temporary period and not permanently relocate to the country. It provides legal authorization to reside in Germany for a specific time period and engage in activities determined in the request.  

  1. European Blue Card

If you’re a skilled professional looking to continue your career in Germany, then the European blue card could be the right option for you. This type of permit provides a fast-track pathway for highly qualified individuals to work and reside in Germany.

  1. Permanent Residence Permit

If you’ve been living in Germany under a temporary residence permit or an EU blue card and are looking to stay in the country permanently, then you should consider applying for a permanent residence permit. This type of permit provides the legal right to live and legally work in Germany for an unlimited period. It’s an excellent option for individuals who have already established their lives in Germany and want to make it their permanent home.

Step 5. Understand the German tax system

When moving to Germany from the US, one of the things you need to be prepared for is the high tax rate. While it may seem daunting at first, understanding the tax system is crucial to ensure that you are complying with German tax laws and not overpaying.

The tax rate in Germany varies depending on your income level, with higher earners paying a higher percentage of their income in taxes. The tax system is progressive, meaning that the more you earn, the higher the percentage of your income you will need to pay in taxes.

When you start working in Germany, your employer will automatically deduct taxes from your paycheck. This system is known as the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) system, and it means that you don’t have to file a tax return unless you have additional income or deductions that need to be reported.

If you do need to file a tax return, you will need to do so by May 31st of the following year. This can be done online or by mail, and you will need to provide details of your income and any deductions or expenses.

It is important to note that Germany has a tax treaty with the US, which means that US citizens who earn income in Germany may be automatically eligible for a foreign tax credit on their US tax return. This can help to reduce the amount of double taxation that may occur.

While the tax rate in Germany may be higher than what you are used to in the US, it is important to remember that this money goes towards funding important public services such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure. It is also worth noting that Germany has a robust social safety net, which provides support for those who may be struggling financially.

Overall, understanding the tax system in Germany is crucial to ensure that you are compliant with German tax laws and not overpaying. While it may take some getting used to, paying taxes is a necessary part of living and working in Germany, and it helps to fund important public services and support systems.

Step 6. Find an Accommodation in Germany

Once you are all set with a visa permit, finding suitable accommodation is the next important thing. Looking for a residency in Germany can be tedious and time consuming, especially if you are moving with your family. Get In Expat can help you through the process of finding a residence according to your requirements.

Step 7. Get your address registered

After moving to Germany from the US, you are obliged to have your address registered because the state authorities must be aware of the address of each and every one of their citizens. You will have to register your address each time you change your residence. 

The process of registering your address is known as the Anmeldung process in Germany. For this process, you are supposed to submit proof of the property you bought or a lease if you are renting. 

Step 8. Open a bank account in Germany

If you are moving to Germany from the US on any visa other than a tourist visa, you should also set up your finances in Germany. That’s why opening a bank account is a must for you. After you open a bank account in Germany, you can transfer your funds from your American bank account to your German bank account easily. 

This step is important because the German state won’t let you be there for long if you don’t have enough funds to fulfil your expenses. It is advised to do all the research and know all about the cost of living and expenses in Germany before you finally decide to move to Germany from the US.

Step 9. Don’t forget the health insurance

When moving to Germany from the US, you will have to get yourself valid health insurance as well. Having medical treatment in Germany can be extremely expensive, so health insurance can surely be a relief in times of need. It is mandatory for every citizen living in Germany to get health insurance. 

Step 10. Learn the basics of Germany

Once you are fully prepared with the bureaucratic aspects, the next thing to keep in mind is to learn the basics of German. Although most Germans can speak English, learning German is important to make the move easier. Although to tell you the truth it can be a challenging task for an American citizen to learn a completely different language at once. So, here are a few basic phrases that you must understand as a newbie:

  1. Guten Tag (Good day)
  2. Danke (Thank you)
  3. Bitte (Please)
  4. Entschuldigung (Excuse me)
  5. Sprechen Sie Englisch? (Do you speak English?)

Move to Germany from the US: Final Thoughts!

Moving to Germany from the US can be a fascinating and memorable experience, but it is very important to have proper preparation and planning before embarking on your journey. 

By following the steps outlined in today’s article, you can have a smoother transition into your life in Germany. Additionally, it is important to keep in mind that there can be huge cultural differences, and you might take time to adapt to the new environment. 

Finally, moving to Germany from the US can be an amazing and rewarding experience for those seeking new opportunities. Get In Expat is here to offer any support to help US citizens in their move to Germany. Feel free to contact us to learn about our services and how we can make your relocation easier.  

how to move to Germany

How to move to Germany in 5 steps – Move In makes it happen!

Are you seeking guidance on how to move to Germany? We have got you covered! With its position as the 5th largest economy globally and impressively low unemployment rate, Germany is a rich hunting ground for job seekers from all over the world. Germany is your place, especially if you are equipped with the latest skills and in-demand job expertise.

Additionally, Germany presents a plethora of employment opportunities for international professionals across various industries, such as engineering, science, IT and tech, finance, sales and marketing, renewable energy, healthcare, hospitality, and tourism. But moving to Germany is not as easy as you may think!

So, how to move to Germany mindfully? All formalities, from applying for a visa to finding residency in a state like Germany, can be challenging. Whether you are travelling to Germany for business or potential job opportunities, you should know a few things before you go. Because if you are prepared, you can launch your dream career and lifestyle with minimal hassle.

In this blog article, we are going to tell you everything you need to know to be able to move to Germany. We will be sharing everything from checking visa requirements to planning your transportation from the airport. Along with this, we will provide tips on learning basic German phrases and exploring the culture. So sit back, relax, and let’s get started on your journey to Germany!

How to move to Germany? A step-by-step guide! 

So, if you are looking for thorough guidance on how to move to Germany, here is the ultimate process that you will go through until you arrive in Germany:

Step 1: Check visa requirements

The very first thing that you need to do if you are questioning how to move to Germany is check whether you need a visa to enter Germany or not! Typically,  you do not need a visa if you are a citizen of the European Union (EU), Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, or Liechtenstein.

However, you are in need of a visa if you are a citizen of any other country. You can check the visa requirements on the website of the German embassy or consulate in your country.

Step 2: Anmeldung “the registration process”

Register your address if you plan to stay in Germany for over three months (“Anmeldung”). This applies to all foreigners, including students, employees, and freelancers.

For registration purposes, you’re required to have the following documents:

  1. A valid passport or ID card
  2. A rental agreement or confirmation from your landlord that you live at the address (make sure to ask your landlord for written proof of occupancy)
  3. Completed registration form (Anmeldeformular), which you can usually download directly from our site. 

Fill out the Germany City Registration 

Note: If you’re moving in with family, then you must have these additional documents for everyone’s registration. 

Since you must file for the Anmeldung process within 14 days of landing in Germany, It’s better to book accommodation before you visit Germany. This will save you the hassle of searching for accommodation in a rush! Beware not to fall for scammers claiming to be accommodation providers in Germany. We advise that you do proper research and go mindfully.

We can help you with that by booking a 15 minute call with us! 

So, if you are wondering how to move to Germany with your spouse and kids? Here is the answer!

1. Marriage certificate

If you are moving to Germany with your spouse, don’t forget to take your marriage certificate with you. For hassle-free registration, you must have a marital certificate translated in Germany by an authorised translator.

2. Birth certificates

If you’re planning to move with kids, you must carry and submit their birth certificates. Once you’ve sorted all the required documents, find your local registration office. When you go to the registration office, take all the required documents and fill out the registration form. 

Make sure to fill in all the fields correctly and completely. Although some officers speak English, many don’t. So, if you have a friend who speaks German, it would be wise to bring them along for translation. Although Get In Expat can help you with their local on-site assistants in Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin, Stuttgart, Düsseldorf, Nuremberg and Hamburg areas. If you would like to know more about this service, request an agent here

Step 3:  Get a tax ID

Everyone living in Germany needs to have a tax ID. This helps the tax office to identify you as a taxpayer. Moreover, your employer would need your tax ID to calculate the estimated amount of tax on your total pay. Other than that, it’s needed while applying for a bank account. You would also be asked to show the tax ID for filing the annual tax returns. 

But, if you are not clear about what actually a tax ID is, here is the basic information:

What is a tax ID?

A Tax ID in Germany is an 11-digit number that is unique for every individual. It is a Tax ID similar to what you have in your country. It is your distinct ID as a taxpayer in Germany.

How Can you get a German Tax ID?

Generally, once you’ve completed your Anmeldung process, you get your tax ID posted at your address within two weeks or so. If you don’t receive one, there is no need to panic. Go to the nearest tax authority office and request them to issue you a tax ID.

Make sure to Carry your Anmeldung, valid passport, and visa along for verification purposes. Once the tax officer verifies every document, you’ll be issued a tax ID number at your Anmeldung address within a few days. Keep that tax ID safe, as you’ll need it now and then almost everywhere in Germany.

Step 4: Get your bank account opened in Germany

Opening a bank account in Germany as an expat can be challenging due to the language barrier and unfamiliarity with the banking system. However, these tips can help ease the process for you:

  1. Choose a bank: Research banks in Germany to find one that offers services in English and meets your banking needs. Some popular banks for expats include Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, and Sparkasse. If you an unsure which bank to choose from, our specialists can give you support opening your bank account. For more information contact us
  2. Gather the required documents: To open a bank account in Germany, you will need to provide the following documents:
    • Passport or national ID card
    • Proof of address (e.g., rental contract or utility bill)
    • Proof of income (e.g., employment contract or payslip)
  3. Book an appointment: Once you have selected a bank and organised the necessary documents, make an appointment with a bank representative. You can do this online or by phone. The bank representative will guide you through the account opening process at the appointment. They may ask questions about your banking needs and financial situation and help you select the right account type.
  4. Complete the application and wait for approval: Fill out the application form provided by the bank representative, and provide the required documents. You may also need to sign a few conditions. After submitting your application, the bank will review your records and may contact you for additional information.

If everything is in order, your account will be approved, and you will receive your account details, including your IBAN and BIC.

Step 5: Get your health insurance coverage

Do you want to know how to move to Germany and be good with your health expenses as well? Health insurance is your answer! 

Health insurance coverage is mandatory in Germany, and as an expat, it’s important to have health insurance to cover medical expenses. Whether you’re a student or an employee, a health insurance certificate is a must for everyone. 

The process is not very complicated; let’s explore it step by step:

  • Determine your insurance status

If you are employed in Germany, you are required to have health insurance. Your employer will deduct contributions from your salary and provide you with insurance coverage.

  • Compare plans and costs

There are many health insurance providers in Germany, so it’s important to research and compare plans to find one that suits your needs. Some popular providers for expats include TK, AOK, and Barmer. 

Once you have selected a health insurance provider, choose a plan that meets your needs. Most providers offer different plans, so make sure to compare the benefits and costs of each plan.

  • Submit the required information

To apply for health insurance, you must provide personal information such as your name, address, and date of birth. You will also need to provide proof of income, such as an employment contract or certificate of self-employment.

  • Wait for approval

After submitting your application, the insurance provider will review your application and determine if you are eligible for coverage. You will receive your insurance card and policy documents if your application is approved.

Once these official steps are done, you are set to live and work in Germany without any legal barriers. 

How to move to Germany: Final stance!

Moving to Germany can be an exciting and memorable experience, but it’s important to be prepared and informed before embarking on your journey. 

By following the tips and guidelines outlined in this blog on how to move to Germany, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free trip to Germany. From obtaining the necessary travel documents to being ready for this new experience, you’ll be well-equipped to make the most of your time in this fascinating country. 

So pack your bags, board your flight, and get ready to experience all Germany offers! And if you feel you need extra help, contact us today!

working in Germany

Working in Germany: your 2023 guide

10 things you need to know about working in Germany

Germany is the the world’s fifth largest economy, with a large industrial sector and well-known companies.

The country has a growing need for qualified professionals to fill the labor shortage in all fields.

You’re thinking of moving to Germany and finding your new dream job ?

This article will help you learn about the German job market as well as the working environement in Germany.

work in Germany and personal life

1. Benefits of working in Germany

  • 30 vacation days for full time
  • 24 vacation days for part time
  • Maximum working week is 48 hours (generally 40 hours/week)
  • Paid sick days.
  • Extra vacation and sick days if you have children / dependents.
  • Health insurance
  • Some employers offer a 13th month pay / an additional month as a bonus.
  • Some employers offer vacation and Christmas pay – a bonus towards your vacation and for Christmas.
  • Further education opportunities
    • Employers want their employees to develop personally and professionally and in a competitive market, employers need to be attractive to sustain a healthy work culture and prevent a high turnover rate.
  • Some employers may offer a company car and/or cellphone or laptop.

2. Job Market

Working in Germany can be very attractive for many professionals. There are fields or work in Germany with an abundance of job opportunities, such as in the medical field, trades and many more. These are the fields with the most vacancies according to Statista 2023:

  • Transport Logistics: Transport logistics jobs in Germany have the most vacancies as of January 2023, namely 63,000 vacancies.
  • Sales: Sales jobs in Germany follow right behind with the second most vacancies in Germany (56,000). If you are good at selling and negotiating, this could be a great opportunity for you to work in Germany.
  • Medical field: Many practices and clinics have vacancies (51,000) and are actively looking for professional, namely, specialized doctors, family physicians and nurses.
  • Electronics, Mechatronics & Energy: There is an abundance of job vacancies (49,000) throughout Germany in these professions.
  • Vehicle Technology: Germany is known for its automobile industry, so it is no surprise that there is demand for vehicle technology (48,000).

Further jobs in Germany offer opportunities:

  • Metal Production and Construction (46,000)
  • Corporate Management (42,000)
  • Operation of Vehicle and Transport Equipment (39,000)
  • Childcare and Social Services (36,000)
  • Non-medical Health Professions, Medical Technology (29,000)

Other attractive fields with many job opportunities in Germany:

  • IT: The future is digital and full of technology! There are many job opportunities, especially in software development and programming.
  • Landscapers: It can take years to have a landscaper get to your garden. They are swamped with contracts and new clients. If you are a landscaper, there will be lots of work in Germany for you.
  • Handymen: this is akin to landscapers. Working in Germany will keep you busy if you can tile floors or repair almost anything in a house.

For your job search in Germany, take a look to our article about the German job market or book a 1 hour job coaching session with our job expert

cover letter and job application

3. Foreign Qualifications

Depending on the country you obtained your qualifications from or studied and what your field of work is, you may need to have your qualifications recognized in Germany. This ensures the quality and comparability of your qualifications. Some fields, such as the medical field, require a more thorough and lengthy process before doctors can treat patients in Germany, and other fields have a quick and simple process.

The process of having your qualifications recognized can be initiated in the federal state that you live in or want to come to when you live and work in Germany.

Check these 2 websites to learn more about your qualifications and your university degree recognition in Germany:

(Federal Ministry of Education and Research)

4. Visa and residence permit requirements

For citizens of a country within the European Union

You are able to obtain work anywhere in the EU without a visa. EU citizens may enter Germany and are given six months to obtain employment. After the six month period, you may need to demonstrate that you are actively looking for work in Germany or have a pending opportunity. This also applies to citizens of EEA States (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland).

For citizens with a specific agreement with Germany

If your country of origin is one of the following, you are also exempt from the visa requirements prior to entering Germany (but you still need to apply for a residence permit with a purpose once in Germany and you cannot start working without this residence permit):

    • Australia,
    • Israel,
    • Japan,
    • Canada,
    • The Republic of Korea
    • New Zealand,
    • United Kingdom
    • United States of America
For all other non EU citizens

You are required to obtain a work visa (Type D) prior to arriving in Germany or a Job Seeker Visa which allows you enter Germany to search for a job for up to six months.  Then, once in Germany, you must apply for a residence permit.

If you are an academic, it is possible to make a visa application for a Blue Card if:

  • You already have a specific job offer,
  • Your university degree or qualifications are recognized in Germany,
  • The job offer matches your qualifications, and
  • You will earn at least 58.400 €/year (before taxes, 2023)*
  • *unless you are a professional in a field that is in high demand in Germany (Engpassberuf), you can get a Blue Card if you will earn at least 45.552 €/year (before taxes, 2023)
  • Examples of these fields are mathematics, informatics, natural sciences, technology and human medicine.
  • The Federal Employment Agency (BA) needs to approve your request for employment if this applies to you.

Book a call with our German immigration expert to get help on your German visa application

(Federal Foreign Office and Federal Employment Agency)

german workers

5. Work Culture

  • The German language has a formal and informal form of speech. The formal way to address someone when saying “you” is “Sie” and the informal way of saying “you” is “du”. Informal speech is used when:
    • You know the person whom you are speaking to,
    • You are in an informal setting,
    • You are speaking to someone your own age, or
    • Someone addresses you with the informal form “du” first,
  • Whereas the formal form is used when:
    • You are speaking to someone whom you are meeting for the first time or don’t know well,
    • You are speaking to someone older than you,
    • You are speaking to someone in a professional setting e.g. a government agency, or
    • You are spoken to with the formal form “Sie”.
  • Another crucial feature of formal speech is addressing someone by their last name. This becomes apparent in department stores, where the name tags of employees state their title Ms./Mr. followed by a surname.
  • Formal speech has been traditionally used in work settings; however, the trend nowadays is to be more informal at work. You can typically know what the work culture is at a specific company when they reply to your resume by your first name or refer to you as “du”. Sometimes it is not quite as apparent at first, often when the employer is also hesitant to be that direct, in which case the signs can be more subtle. Oftentimes it will be cleared up directly in the first few meetings when one person “offers using a respectful du”.

6. Language

  • German is the only official language of Germany and the most common language in workplaces in Germany. Since Germany needs professionals from other countries to fill vacancies, speaking English at work is becoming more common. Many international and German companies in various fields are seeking employees that speak German and English, especially if the job involves international contact, and there are more and more english speaking job offers
  • Even if it is possible to attain employment without speaking German well, it is always strongly recommended to learn the German language to have more work opportunities. Management positions require German language skills and there are far more job opportunities if you speak German.
  • There are many fields of work in Germany that still require full German language skills or at least a B2/C1 level (being able to converse).
  • Other reasons to learn German are to integrate into the culture and learn about the country you will be living in, being able to navigate better in your everyday life in Germany and dealing with potential emergencies.
  • There are many migrants from various countries that have immigrated to Germany throughout the past decades. Germans are used to diversity and different accents.

Start learning German before arriving in Germany:

  • Start with online tools or free podcasts
  • The main German language schools offer online sessions

germany working

7. Labour Law

Minimum wage
  • The minimum wage was raised to 12,00 €/hour (before taxes) on October 1, 2022, and this increase benefitted six million workers in Germany.
Temporary employment and outsourcing
  • Many companies contract temporary employment agencies or outsource certain tasks. This provides employers flexibility; however, it can create less secure working conditions for employees. There are laws in place encompassing temporary employment and outsourcing to protect workers in Germany.
Collective agreements
  • There are collective agreements which apply to all employees in certain fields of work.
Posting of workers (Entsendung von Arbeitgebern):
  • This law implements the EU posting of workers directive regarding the place of work principle. This means the employers must provide employees with essential working conditions for the interim while they are working in Germany.
Part time and flexible working hours
  • There are different ways to adjust working hours. This encompasses part time work in Germany, remote work / home office, arrangements between care, family and career and savings plans for future childcare, caring for family members, sabbaticals, further education or early retirement.
Workers’ Rights (Arbeitnehmerrecht):
  • There are various laws to protect employees, which are listed and elaborated on below.

(Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs)

8. Workers‘ Rights (Arbeitnehmerrecht)

Protection against termination (Kündigungsschutz)
  • A termination of a work contract by the employer or employee has to be submitted in writing and must include the contractually defined notice.
  • Certain demographics such as pregnant women, employees with special needs, employees who are providing care to a family member, etc. are especially protected by law.
Protection of working hours (Arbeitszeitschutz)
  • This law protects the maximum number of hours an employee can work in Germany.
  • This protects employees from only working on days such as Sundays or statutory Holidays under specific circumstances.
Protection for Minors (Jugendarbeitsschutz)
  • Minors under the age of 15 are considered “children” under this law. Minors between 15 to 18 are considered “youth”.
  • This law defines the amount and type of work minors are legally allowed to engage in when working in Germany. An example of admissible work for minors is delivering newspapers.
Rights to voting for a Work Council (Betriebsverfassungsgesetz)
  • The Works Constitution Act is in place so that employees have the right to vote for a work council, depending on the size of the company, if one isn’t already in place.
Data protection (Beschäftigtendatenschutz)
  • This law protects the data and personal information of employees.

(Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs)

contract and jobs in Germany

9. Contract types

Work in Germany can be obtained in numerous forms. There are different types of work contracts and types of employment in Germany: Permanent, Temporary (maximum two years) ,Temporary employment agency, Minijob, Midijob.

  • Permanent contracts are certainly the most secure type of work contract. Besides the probation period, employers are restricted to worker rights. Permanent contracts are not limited in time, so the only way it can be dissolved is if the employer goes bankrupt or is downsizing, or workers are terminated for breaching the contract or perhaps engaging in illegal activities. In the case of bankruptcy of the employer, it is possible to receive one last month’s salary through the employment agency. The probation period is typically six months in length.
  • Temporary contracts are limited to a certain timeframe. Typically, employees will receive a temporary contract for one year. It can be extended to a maximum of two years, at which time the employment either comes to an end or the employee is entitled to a permanent contract.
  • Temporary employment agencies are not rare in Germany. This means that one works at the temporary employment agency and can be placed to work in different companies with which the temporary employment agency has a contract. As indicated by the name, the employment contract is also held within a certain timeframe, until the contract either ends or becomes permanent. For some, this offers an attractive opportunity since specific fields of work in Germany that some temporary employment agencies specialize in are competitive for good employees.  They offer benefits such as company cars, flexible work hours and good wages. This is true, for example, in the field of nursing. 
  • Minijobs are jobs that are limited to earning a maximum of 520,00 €/month or 6.240,00 €/year. However, you are not required to pay taxes on these earnings or declare them on your tax return. You can have more than one minijob, as long as you do not earn more than the maximum amount, otherwise it will be a Midijob.
  • Midijobs are jobs with an income above 520,00 €/month and a maximum of 2.000 €/month. The social insurance deductions are limited, so that employees with a midijob have more net income than employees who earn more per month.

10. Retirement

  • Although there are many benefits when working in Germany, including a tax and social system that provides a lot of security, it is important to consider the amount of years you will work in Germany before retirement and calculate your pension.
  • Speaking with a financial adviser early on can have vast benefits for your retirement, as you have opportunities to invest your earnings now and enjoy a better retirement later.

You are now ready to start your job hunting in Germany.

The next step ?

Book a call with our job expert to start looking for your job in Germany

Kita in Berlin

Kita in Berlin – Your 2023 guide

How to find Kita in Berlin in 4 steps ?

Hi, my name is Lisa and I am one of the co-founders of Kietzee, a platform that helps (international) parents in Berlin navigate family life, including finding a Kita in Berlin for your children.

Kita is short for Kindertagesstätte, which means Children Daycare in Germany.

Finding a Kita in Berlin can be a very lengthy and exhausting process, but with the right tools and strategy, you should be able to secure a spot for your child(ren) in your neighborhood.

Here are the 4 steps to follow to find your daycare in Berlin:

Berlin Kita finder

1. Build your Kita list 

First, think about what is important to you in your Kita search (size of the Kita, facilities, opening hours, bilingual/languages, parental work, location of the Kita in Berlin…). Then, start researching Kitas in your neighborhood and perhaps also near your work, if that would be convenient for you.

You can use our Berlin Kita finder on Kietzee (search function) to look up Kitas by postcode, district or name of the Kita.

If you live centrally, you should research about 20-30 Kitas to apply to.

2. Contact the Kitas in Berlin

Unfortunately, each Kita has their own application process – some have an online form to fill in, others want to be contacted by email, phone or in person, others tell you not to call or visit in person…

So check the Kita website for information or call to find out how to apply.

Then write up a nice letter with the key details (your child’s name, date of birth and your desired Kita start date). It’s also nice to include some more information about your family and why you like a specific Kita.

Here’s a separate blog post on what to include in your Kita application including a sample application letter. This could also work in any other city in Germany.

Apply for a Kita in Berlin

3. Apply for the Kita-Gutschein

Did you know that Kitas are (almost) free in Berlin?

However, in order to claim your spot in a Kita in Berlin and have it financed, you will need to apply for the Kita-Gutschein (voucher).

For this you need to provide some information about your family and your employment situation. You’ll also need to include documentation such as copies of your IDs and also confirmation of your permanent residence in Berlin (Anmeldebestätigung).

If you’re just in the process of moving to Germany but know where you’ll be living, you may be able to start the process early by providing a letter from your future landlord and/or the rental contract. Speak with the Jugendamt of the district you’ll be living in to find out how they want you to proceed.

At some offices, you can also make an appointment and attend with all your documentation ready. Response times vary by Jugendamt and the time of year but it usually takes about 6 to 8 weeks to receive your voucher if there are no further questions.

Here’s a detailed article on How and When to Apply for the Kita Voucher.

Kita application follow up

4. Do your follow-ups

After submitting your Kita applications, make sure to follow up with your favorite Kitas in Berlin regularly to let them know you are still interested and to see if they may have a spot for your child(ren).

You can also keep them posted on the progress of your Kitagutschein application and let them know once you have received it.

See our detailed article on how and when to do your follow-ups.

Last but not least: Stay positive and you will find your child daycare spot! 

We’re keeping our fingers crossed for you!

You can find more resources on our blog.

Need also to apply for Kindergeld in Germany ? Use our quick and digital service

find a job in Germany

Successfully find your job in Germany in 2023

How to find a job in Germany ?

The German job market before the pandemic

Looking at the German labour market prior pandemic, the lack of skilled staff had already been severe. A study conducted by the Bertelsmann Stiftung which was released in February 2019 states that Germany is dependent on immigration from countries outside of Europe. Referring to this study, by 2060, Germany will require an annual immigration of 260,000 people. The study claims that on a yearly average, roughly 114,000 immigrants can be expected to move from other countries within the EU. Hence, about 146,000 workers would have to immigrate from countries outside the EU.

The German job market today

jobs in germanyThe pandemic seems to have flipped the entire job market around. Digitization was pushed to enable as many workers as possible to work from home. Others got reduced working hours or simply had to stay at home. More than ever people started questioning their work life and even started to change jobs. That caused massive fluctuation in the job market.

In October 2021, Chairman of the German Federal Employment Agency Detlef Scheele said that we’re currently searching for 1.2 million workers, two-thirds of which skilled professionals. As part of demographic change, aging is increasing the bottlenecks in the skilled labor sector. According to current forecasts, the working-age population, i.e. people between 20 and under 65 years of age, will fall by 3.9 million to 45.9 million in 2030. In 2060, there will already be 10.2 million fewer people of working age. Let’s take a closer look at what that actually means for the jobs in Germany and what the country is doing in order to fill these gaps.

Germany lacks skilled professionals

Skilled workers ensure innovation and competitiveness, growth and employment, prosperity and quality of life. In view of the demographic development, securing the need for skilled workers is one of the major challenges of the coming decades for all actors from politics, business and science.

There could be a lack of approximately three million skilled workers, technicians, researchers and medical professionals by 2030, according to the Prognos Research Institute. Even the Federal Ministry of Labour warns in its most recent progress report of a shortfall of qualified professionals.

The jobs areas particularly affected by the shortage of skilled workers include:

  • Academic professional groups in the fields of medicine, engineering in mechanical and automotive engineering, electrical engineering, IT and software development and programming.
  • Crafts: Electrical installation and assembly, machining technology, plastics processing, pipeline construction, welding technology, mechanical engineering.
  • Nursing: Health, sick and elderly care.

International professionals in high demand

work in germanyHiring qualified professionals from abroad is an important aspect of securing a sufficient number of skilled workers. A cosmopolitan culture is crucial in order to interest specialists worldwide in a career in Germany – in politics, society, administration and in business itself.

On March 1st 2020, the Federal Government passed the Skilled Immigration Act which makes it easier for non-EU citizens with professional qualifications to access the German labour market. This marks a new era on the German employment market. Now, it is easier to access the German job market. Doors are open to any vocation, i.e. any profession and it doesn’t matter anymore whether the job is in high demand or not. However, STEM experts are especially important for the German economy since they work in leading and innovative German industries and, therefore, generate a lot of added value. That’s why Germany actively welcomes foreigners to work in STEM fields. The government has even lowered the minimum required salary for jobs in high demand of skilled workers for the EU Blue Card to 37,752 EUR gross annually and English speaking job positions are increasing.

What does that mean for people considering to move to work in Germany?

Now is the best time to apply for jobs in Germany from abroad. Even though the pandemic has caused a lot of suffering and limitations, it has also created a huge opportunity for foreigners to search and land a job in Germany with little to no risk. Recruiting has transformed into many job interviews being conducted online rather than in person. Why not apply for a job in Germany from wherever you are currently located? You don’t always have to go for a job seeker visa, i.e. coming to Germany first and then searching for a job here. You also have the opportunity to apply for a job and if you have found employment that is in line with your qualifications, you are able to apply for the EU Blue Card or a residency permit for qualified professionals without having to come to Germany beforehand and without having a minimum level of German. (We recommend you to start learning German from abroad) Now is the right time to enter the German job market and find your job in Germany.

Pre-checking steps before starting to find a job in Germany

  1. Check this government site to see if your skills are recognized in Germany is :
  2. Understand which visa is the best option for you to work in Germany. Ask an immgration expert

How to do the job search?

how to find a job in germanyDid you know that we have more than job boards in Germany alone? You want to make sure you’re searching for a job in the right place. I have various steps that I assist my clients with when doing the actual job search:

  1. My first advise always is to find out whether the company you’re currently working with has subsidiaries in Germany and whether you can arrange an internal transfer to work in Germany.
  2. Search for a job on various general job boards such as:
  1. Search for jobs on job boards that are specific to your field of expertise. For this, you need to first find out what the names of these job boards are. There are engineering specific job boards as well as special job boards for people in IT, HR, etc. If you don’t speak German yer, focus on English speaking job position. (even if sometimes if you skills fit 100% with the job position, it could make sense to try even if they ask for German speaking candidates)
  2. Connect with like-minded people as well as potential future colleagues in social media networks and groups. Ask them how they did it to find a job in Germany and copy their process.

Once you’ve found a job that you’re interested in, you need to prepare your job application package: Cover Letter tailored to the company, CV, and certificates.

(As a side note: Don’t get confused by the “easy apply” button on those job boards, especially LinkedIn – it looks like it’s easy, but it will actually not bring you the result that you’re hoping for. You still need to put in the effort and tailor your entire application package to the company that you’re applying for. At last, you also want to make sure that not only you’re the right fit for the company, but also vice versa. For this, research is necessary.)

Do you need more help to find a job in Germany?

support to find jobs in germanyIf you’re interested in searching and landing your dream job in Germany, I can help you.

As Job Coach Germany, I have successfully supported hundreds of international professionals with landing their dream job in Germany since 2017. Through my more than 10 years of experience in HR and recruiting in Germany and the UK, I know what is necessary in order for you to be invited to a job interview and secure the position of your choice.

Lisa Janz


Further readings and sources I used to write this article:

Expats in Frankfurt

Expats in Frankfurt Guide 2022

Expats in Frankfurt: learn all the secrets in 10 minutes

Big enough to feel like a metropolitan city but small enough to feel like a village!  Honestly, it’s a contradiction that at times is difficult to comprehend, yet, the longer I live here the more it rings true.  And, if you’ve lived in London, New York, Johannesburg or Mumbai you’ll find being an Expat in Frankfurt is a piece of cake to some degree!


Dubbed Mainhattan by the locals, Frankfurt currently has a metro area population in 2022 of 791,000, making it a fraction of the size of London, New York or Mumbai.  It is home to the ECB (European Central Bank) and is the business and financial center of Germany.  However, whilst it may be the epicenter of business in Germany it is far from being a concrete jungle.  Frankfurt boasts some gorgeous parks, forests, orchards and plenty of riverside meandering. If traffic is light you can get across the city in 30 minutes and, unlike London, a night out would never constitute a 2 hour commute home or a billion dollar taxi ride.


Living in Frankfurt: Bornheim

One of the biggest decisions when moving to a new country or city is ‘where to live’.  And let’s face it, it’s never an easy decision with all the factors that one needs to take into account!  However, Frankfurt has a variety of areas each with its own flavour, pros and cons.  Popular areas to live in Frankfurt within the Expat community include:

  • Westend,
  • Nordend,
  • Bockenheim,
  • Bornheim,
  • Sachsenhausen,
  • Ostend
  • Innenstadt

Now take for instance Westend, it’s very chic, close to the city and beautifully green however all this comes at a substantial price.  Next consider Sachsenhausen, it has character in droves,  plenty to indulge one’s cultural curiosities but it’s across the river and considered by Frankfurt standards to be ‘miles away’.  For more affordable living it’s worth considering areas like Bockenheim and Ostend.

My top tip for Expats in Frankfurt deciding where to live is to hit the pavement, walk it’s streets and eat and drink in it’s restaurants and cafes.


Live in Frankfurt

Coffee culture is exploding in Frankfurt with new speciality coffee shops popping up almost daily.  And this is good news if you anything like me!   Because I can’t even begin to consider making any big life decisions until I find my regular go to caffeine stop!  Some of our favourites include Bohnerie (Nordend), Dreikaffee (Altstadt) and Oheim (Sachsenhausen).


As Expats in Frankfurt this is perhaps one of the biggest oversights.  I too completely underestimated learning the language before arriving.  I’ve moved country and continents on numerous occasions and never found it as difficult to acclimate as I did when moving from India to Germany.  3rd world to 1st world?  Piece of cake right?!  Hmmmm not so much.  So, I would highly recommend either beginning to learn German before you arrive or enrolling in an Intensive course as soon as you arrive.  Trust me, the longer you postpone it the more ‘difficult’ it is to find the time.  A fun and centrally located language school to consider is Speakeasy Language School.


Expats in Frankfurt: public transportation in Frankfurt

Well on the whole Frankfurt is pretty well connected with a choice of buses, trams, trains (S-Bahn), underground (U-Bahn) and taxi’s to choose from.  However, I wouldn’t go so far as to say that it is always easy to navigate.  My top tip before heading out on public transport is to really review your trip and understand how you get to where you’re going!  The RMV app does a pretty good job of mapping it all out for you and easily allows you to buy tickets directly on your phone.  However,  I’ve been lost more times than I can count and very rarely have I found someone who was able to help me in English. Hence the reason for my eagerly encouraging you to take the time to learn German.


Live in Frankfurt: parcs

For Expats in Frankfurt there is no shortage of things to do.  You really just need to know where to look.  Because as mentioned previously Frankfurt is a relatively small city.  Meaning that most things are easily within reach with minimal effort and time.  Like with each neighbourhood having its own flavour and rhythm so too does the entertainment.

Clubs and Bars

Bahnhofsviertel is often frightening for many, with its reputation for  being the red light district and junky epicentre.  However, if you are one for adventure there are some absolutely fabulous bars and restaurants that you shouldn’t miss.  Yaldy, The Kinley Bar (hellooo amazing cocktails!) and Maxie Eisen are some to definitely check out. High end clubs will be found in the inner city Gibson Club and Chinaski are two very popular venues.  Head east to Bornheim and Bergerstrasse and you’ll find plenty of street side eating and a more relaxed vibe.  Now if you head even further east you find bigger outdoor spaces but no less choice of party and eating out options!  For example Blaues Wasser (open only in summer) and Danzig am Platz!



Expats Frankfurt: Altstadt

If you head South of the river to Sachsenhausen you’ll find the Museumsufer.  Meander along following the Maine River and you will have no shortage of gorgeous museums and galleries to feed your cultural craving.  Some of our favourites include The Städel, Museum Angewandte Kunst and Liebieghaus.  It is also here that you will find many of the famous Apfelwein taverns.

Another area littered with museums and cultural experiences is the Altstadt.  Without a doubt The Schirn and Museum für Moderne Kunst are worth a visit.


Wonderful restaurants can be found all around the city!  Some to get you started are:

  • Oben Restaurant and Skybar (Mediterranean – Westend)
  • Moriki (Sushi – Innerstadt)
  • Yaldy (Seasonal – Bahnhofsviertel)
  • Berger Street Food (Sushi – Bergerstrasse)
  • Papanova (Italian – Nordend)
  • Oosten (Ostend)
  • Gerbermuhle (German – South of the River)

Altstadt (Old City)

No stay in Frankfurt is complete without a trip to Frankfurt Altstadt, Römer.  The old city has been beautifully renovated and offers visitors an opportunity to step back in time. It contains many of Frankfurt’s important sites, the Römerberg plaza (a definite must see) along with Römer city hall and Frankfurt Cathedral (Kaiserdom St Bartholomaus).

Frankfurt Specialities

Finally, a stay in Frankfurt is not complete without a taste of the famous  Grüne Soße, Apfelwein (apple wine) and Frankfurter sausages.  Be sure to hop on the Ebbelwei Express, it’s both a great way to taste the famous Apfelwein and experience the city!

Living in Frankfurt

Undoubtedly there is plenty to see and do for Expats in Frankfurt.  So all that’s left to do is pick up your keys, head out the door and explore the city!  Whether you choose to laze in one of the many gorgeous parks, drink a coffee in one of its many coffee shops or discover what each area has to offer by dining in its restaurants there is no shortage of things to do in Frankfurt city.  HAPPY EXPLORING!

Moving to Germany ? Check our article with the 10 Tips to know to succeed your move

public health insurance Germany

Public Health insurance Germany: the Barmer review

Public Health Insurance Germany in 2023 with Barmer

What are the benefits of public health insurance in Germany?

The German social security system is based in the solidarity principle. This means that the strong support the weak, the healthy support the sick and the young support the old. This means all members pay into the system depending on their capacity, from which the same services and protections are made available to everyone.

The social security system can be classified under the following five headings:
– Health insurance (public or private)
– Long-term care insurance
– Pension insurance
(Get In Expat did a webinar about this topic. ask for another here)
– Accident insurance
– Unemployment insurance

Who needs the public health insurance in Germany?

All employees

In 2023, if you are employed with an annual gross salary less than €66,600 per year, it is mandatory to be insured under public statutory health insurance. Employees who earn over this income limit can be voluntarily insured under public health insurance.

Employees families with a public statutory health insurance

In addition, it is possible for dependent family members – spouse, civil partner and children (up to a specified age) – who are living at your address in Germany and earning under 485 euros to be co-insured free of charge.

What does the public German health insurance cover?

Access to all doctors/ specialists/ hospitals – which operate under the public health system
– Full cover for all doctor’s visits, services and treatments that are listed in the German public
health insurance system
– Cover for standard dental treatments, such as preventive check-ups, fillings, dentures and
orthodontics (add additional payments)
– Free choice of public doctors/ hospitals
Cover for prescribed medical aids (with small co-payments)
Cover for prescription medication (with small co-payments)
Sickness payment for employees after 6 weeks, including the cost of the sick note
– Cover for emergency treatment in the EU (under the public health system of the country) with the European health insurance card.
All family members without own income of more than 485 euros are insured free of charge with the public health insurance in Germany

How to get a public health insurance in Germany?

By yourself

Check the German health insurance database to choose the one that fits your needs:

Register with Barmer

The process is easy and quick (within 24 hours):

Once you are registered with Barmer, they will issue an insurance card for you, called a “Gesundheitskarte”. This card has a chip to store your personal data has to be shown the first time you visit a doctor each quarter.

6 Steps for a perfect start in Germany

1. Your Visa


public health insurance germany - visa germany

When you apply for your visa, it is checked whether your educational degrees are recognized in
Germany. In case they are, you will receive a visa for four years upon submission of the relevant
documents (employment contract, certificates, passport and passport photo). However, if your
degree is not recognized, your future employer and you have to submit your certificates for evaluation by the German authorities. If the result of the evaluation is positive, you can go ahead with the visa application process.

Further information can be found in our article about visa

2. Your registration (the famous Anmeldung)

anmeldung germany

The first thing you will need is a place to live. Once you have found somewhere, you have to register your new address with the Einwohnermeldeamt (residents registration office). You can normally do this at the Rathaus (town hall) or Bürgeramt (administrative office for citizens), where they will issue you an Anmeldebestätigung (confirmation of registration).

  • More details about German authorities public offices here
  • Take a look to our Anmeldung tool to help you fill the form or request a quote to our team to have a dedicated service to help your registration and move to Germany

3. Your Tax ID


tax germany

Once you have done your city registration (Anmeldung), you will receive a tax identification number (Steuer ID-Nr.) by letter. Your tax ID is important when you start working. If you don’t receive it, please visit your Finanzamt (tax office) and ask for your tax ID there.

You can find out, which is your local tax office here:

4. Your German health insurance


health insurance germany

In Germany, you also need a health insurance cover. BARMER is one of Germany’s largest public health insurance companies.

Please follow this link to start the registration process (it takes few minutes)

A Barmer representative will take care of informing your employer or university about your public health insurance policy on your behalf.

5. Your social security number


social system germany

In addition to this, you will need a social security number so that your employer can pay you and we can book your insurance premiums correctly. Your BARMER representative can apply for this number on your behalf and you will receive it within a few days. You then just need to let your employer know.

6. Your bank account

bank germany

Next, you will need to open a current account with a German bank.

It is a good idea to compare offers as some banks don’t charge account maintenance fees on current accounts.

We are proud to be partner with Tomorrow Bank:  the only sustainable bank in Germany. You can open an account with them.



Transparency: this article was written by Barmer, one of our German health insurance partners. If you click on one of their links and register an insurance with them, we earn a commission but there is no additional cost to you.

freelancing in germany

Succeed Freelancing in Germany: your 2022 guide

5 things to know to start freelancing in Germany

Hello, my name is Sebastian and I work for Smart in Germany. Smart is a cooperative for freelancers allowing them to handle their professional activities within the structure of a shared company. They process their freelance activities through Smart and receive their payment as employees of the cooperative, simplifying the administrative task and giving them automatic access to social security.

But before giving you more information on Smart, here are 5 important things you should know about freelancing in Germany.

freelancing in germany

What is freelancing in Germany ?

“Freelancing” is synonymous with “self-employment” in Germany, and the separation between freelancing and employment is very strict

The definition of freelancing in Germany is narrower than in other countries. You’re only considered a freelancer if you don’t work for your clients in an employee-like manner. That means that you must be truly free and independent to decide how, where, and when you work, and you mustn’t be integrated into your client’s business structure. As a freelancer, you’re considered as a “solo entrepreneur” (“Einzelunternehmer*in”) with your own business risks, and you must advertise your activities yourself.

Many independent contractors in other countries would be considered employees under German labour law. There’s the issue of “Scheinselbständigkeit” (bogus self-employment): freelancers who work like employees can be fined if the authorities find out that they work like employees. This also applies to remote work – German law is applicable if you work from Germany.

If you’re unsure about your status, you can request a free and formal check by the German Pension Insurance called “Statusfeststellungsverfahren” (status determination check). Make sure you get professional advice before doing this!


freelancing in germany

What are the different options of freelancing in Germany ?

There are two ‘types’ of freelancing in Germany: “freie Berufe” and “Gewerbe”

The German system has two ‘categories’ or ‘types’ of self-employed/freelance work: “freie Berufe,” or liberal professions, include activities that require a certain education, skill, or a license, such as lawyer, doctor, writer, teacher, or artist. “Gewerbe”-style activities are all other freelance activities. Your local tax office (“Finanzamt”) will determine which category you belong to. For some activities, especially consulting and IT services, the tax offices often decide on a case-by-case basis.

If your activity is considered a “Gewerbe,” you must also register at your local trade office for a small fee, become a member of the local Chamber of Industry and Commerce (“Industrie- und Handelskammer,” IHK), and pay trade tax if your profits exceed 24,500 Euro/year.

freelancing in germany

Is it worth being a freelancer in Germany ?

If you’re start freelancing in Germany, you have a lot of responsibilities

As a freelancer, you must do everything yourself: you’re obliged to let the tax office know that you started your freelance activity by filling out the form “Fragebogen zur steuerlichen Erfassung” (tax registration questionnaire) to get your special freelance tax number (which is required to invoice your clients). Also, you must sign up and pay for health insurance yourself. It’s also recommended to check if you need any other insurances. You must hand in a tax declaration to let the tax office know about your revenue, your business expenses, and your profits. Also make sure you understand how to issue invoices correctly.


health insurance germany

What about the health insurance ?

When it comes to health insurance, most freelancers can choose between public and private coverage

Most freelancers can choose between coverage by a public or private health insurance company (“Krankenkasse”).

If you start freelancing in Germany after having moved to Germany from a different country, you can only choose public health insurance if you were previously insured in the public system of another EU country, the UK, or Turkey.

If you choose public insurance, the contribution is a percentage of your profits: 14.6% for health insurance, and 3.4% for long-term care insurance. The minimum monthly contribution is around 200 Euro per month. This can be a lot if you don’t make a lot of money yet.

If you choose private insurance, the contributions don’t depend on your profits but on individual risk factors. It can be cheap when you’re young and healthy, but contributions increase when you get older. Note that once you choose private insurance and remain a freelancer, you cannot switch to public insurance. The switch to public insurance is only possible if you change your status to employee or get access to public insurance via the KSK or family insurance.

There’s a special insurance system for freelance artists, writers, and art teachers called “Künstlersozialkasse” (KSK). The KSK is a government institution that gives this special group access to public health and pension insurance and subsidizes the contributions by 50%. You can also get public health insurance via the KSK no matter what your previous insurance was. To benefit from this system, you must submit a lot of evidence to the KSK to check if you meet the insurance requirements. This can often take months, and it’s recommended to consult with an expert or a non-profit organization to help you with the process.


tax in germany

What about VAT for freelancers in Germany ?

Make sure you understand how value-added tax (VAT) works

When you register the beginning of your freelance activity, you must determine your relationship towards value-added tax (VAT).

If you declare that you’re subject to VAT, you must add VAT on top of your net price (7% or 19%, depending on the service or good you sell) and declare/pay VAT to the tax office. At the same time, you can claim a refund of the VAT included in your business expenses, meaning that you only pay the net price. This relationship towards VAT can make sense if you primarily have business clients who are also subject to VAT (since they can claim back the VAT you charge them) and if you plan on investing in your activity.

The other relationship towards VAT is called “Kleinunternehmer” (literally, ‘small’ businessperson). In this case, you don’t charge your clients VAT, but you also don’t have the privilege to claim a refund of the VAT included in your business expenses. This can make sense if you don’t have a lot of business expenses, and if you mainly have private clients or VAT-exempt business clients such as non-profit associations. For this group of clients, you are cheaper by not adding VAT. In order to remain a “Kleinunternehmer,” your revenue (before deducting business expenses) must remain under 22,000 Euro in the respective previous calendar year.

If you have clients outside of Germany, get professional tax advice because there are many special VAT regulations when it comes to cross-border invoicing.

freelancing in germany

How can Smart help you with freelancing in Germany?

Smart has developed a new way of working as a freelancer in Germany.

You want to start freelancing in Germany ?

Become a Smart member, you don’t have to register your activity at the tax office and you don’t have to worry about most of the administrative issues described above.

Instead, you process your freelancing within a shared company. That means that Smart will issue invoices on your behalf, using Smart’s tax number. Your clients won’t pay you but send their payment to Smart. You receive your payment in the form of an average monthly salary, based on an employment contract with the cooperative and your income processed by Smart.

Your advantages:

  • Smart handles invoicing (including to clients located abroad) and payment reminders
  • You receive a monthly salary
  • If your clients are in the EU, Smart advances your salary during the preparation and execution of your activities, before your client has paid Smart
  • As an employee, you have automatic access to public health insurance and pay into pension and unemployment insurance, and Smart handles all payments to the insurance companies
  • You don’t have to hand in an income tax declaration as income tax is deducted automatically from your salary each month

You can find more information on Smart’s membership requirements here:

If you’re interested in Smart, attend one of our weekly online info sessions:
During the info session, you’ll learn how Smart works in detail, and you can ask questions in the chat. After attending the info session, you can schedule an individual consultation.

Transparency: this article was written by Smart EG, one of our partners. With this article, we wanted to offer valuable information about freelancing in Germany and present the services offered by Smart to support freelancers. We don’t earn any commission with this article